Saturday, March 27, 2010


We have finished and are now trying to send Kelsey our files but we are expierencing some problems actually getting them sent. Amanda and I did the first two sets of the podcast so u will be doing the ending point of the podcast. We have already talked about PBL and also about the use of blogs that was in the textbook. We covered creating the collabartive blog and the concept map creation on the actual blog. We have also talked about the epals assignment with the google maps and the use of virtual field trips. We have talked about bookmarking, hotlists,levels of discussions, and questions for checking in. Please go ahead with the ideas you have about we have done (such as the taskstream and MovieMaker) and finish this thing up!!! :-)


  1. We finally got them submitted last night but had great difficulty doing so.

  2. Do you need iny further help with information?????

  3. so i just talk about the stuff briefly right. Like this is what we did and how we went about it using such and such and what our goals were and stuff from the book? I just don't wand t how you to did it to be vastly different than how i do mine.

  4. that should say, i just don't want how you two did it to vastly differ from mine.

  5. Yes, we just briefly talking about the things that we have done in the course. We would then choose a concept from the book that it collaborates with and discuss the concept. Talk about how the concept is used in the classroom and if we used it at all in this EDT class talk about that. I wonder if there is a way that I can email my audio clip to you so you can follow off of that......

  6. Yes that is what we did. We just briefly discussed how and what we did. We covered the topics from the book with a brief overlook as well. It isnt anything big just an overview of how we have gone about what we have done. We tried really hard to make the concepts tie in with the things we were talking about that we had done.

  7. I sent you my podcast on the elearning email which is the second part of our collaboration.

  8. how long does this thing take to get attached and sent i attach it and it just sits there

  9. got it. this better turn out ok. what a dumb assignment in my opinion.

  10. I compleatly agree with you. I think this is something that I will never use again it is not user friendly at all.
