Saturday, March 27, 2010


We have finished and are now trying to send Kelsey our files but we are expierencing some problems actually getting them sent. Amanda and I did the first two sets of the podcast so u will be doing the ending point of the podcast. We have already talked about PBL and also about the use of blogs that was in the textbook. We covered creating the collabartive blog and the concept map creation on the actual blog. We have also talked about the epals assignment with the google maps and the use of virtual field trips. We have talked about bookmarking, hotlists,levels of discussions, and questions for checking in. Please go ahead with the ideas you have about we have done (such as the taskstream and MovieMaker) and finish this thing up!!! :-)


this is what i interpret this as. we talk about what we are doing and have done so far as if this was to be seen by parents and students. what things we talk about is up to us i guess. As far as stuff from the book i think chapter 5: project management strategies for teachers and learners, has some good stuff. Especially the stuff starting on page 84 about project management with technology. looking at the whole project there is a lot of stuff we can cover, but what do we choose to put into a 1-2 minute podcast? almost like trying to put an elephant in a phone booth.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Figuring it Out

Okay, here is the situation as of right now. Tomorrow morning I am going to meet up with Kim to collaborate our podcasts together. Adam, one of us will report on the blog to let you know what we have came up with and any suggestions we have for you. Also, if there are any suggestions you have please post it.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I have to work on it tomorrow. That is my only day off of work that I can. I am still not sure about what concepts she wants us to use, but I am going to have to decide tonight. Hopefully this project turns out okay since we don't understand it too well. I will keep you posted of what ideas I come up with.


when r we gonna put this together? Sunday is my only day off. Times a ticking.

Monday, March 22, 2010

bueller? anyone? bueller?

so anyone have an understanding since i seem to be a little slow?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Collaborative Podcast

Ok guys, I am a little confused on this podcast thing. I know we have to discuss what everyone is doing, but we should probably decide together to make sure it all flows when collaborated. Any ideas?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Assignment II - Part B- Concept Map

Lesson 2

I am going to do mine on precipitation totals

Lesson Plan 2

I am positive that I am doing my lesson plan on relative humidity.

Lesson Plan 2 and Concept Map

I will work on the concept map for this week. I am also going to do my lesson plan on dew point or barometric pressure.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Someone has to do a concept map this week. I have already done it so it has to be one of you two.

Lesson Plan 2

I think I am going to do mine on them actually collecting data on the temperature.