Friday, February 5, 2010


I have put some thoughts down in gmail doc. Let me know what you think. Changes/additions.
Let me know you got it too. I am starting the map and will send out. Amanda I don't know your email so i will just have Kim forward it to you.


  1. I like this idea. When I was thinking about it though my thoughts were a little different. I was thinking we would do the epals with somewhere like the United Kingdom so they could see that they use the metric system. I think it would be ok to incoperate both maybe. I will add to and make a portion in this document look more like a lesson plan. Then you can review it and add/change/take out as you would like.

  2. Ok I am now finished with my thoughts and ideas. Obviously once it is finished then we will need to deleate things from that document so it is just our final product. Also I uh tried to do the google map thing to include Manchester but for some reason I cannot figure it out. You may want to go into it and fix it.

  3. I finished with my thoughts. I thought you guys had great ideas, I just think that if we added a location with an area with "opposite" seasons of Michigan it might add more to the lesson. Just an idea. Adam, my email is

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ok I just went into the document and added Amanda's information to my lesson plan style. This way it looks like a lesson plan. If both of you could look my portion over because it has both of your ideas in it so we can deleate information out of it and post it to our blog that would be great. I do not want to deleate your information before you agree with mine. So please let me know. Adam can we add Ushuaia Argentina to our google map?

  6. Adam- The temperatures and such may be the same but I like the opposite seasons being in there. It gives the students an idea that the seasons are opposite and can lead into a discussion about the seasons and how they are created. I know that it is not a part of this assignment but it is one of the 4th grade GLCEs for Earth Science. I am going to go ahead and take all the extras out and post the document here. I will also try and post the map.
