Wednesday, January 20, 2010

concept map

I think that's a good start. I think wind should be in there somehow, whether it be a new heading or sub heading. Maybe something to do with tools used to monitor the weather. The pressure would fall into that, but maybe some technology like doppler radar and things of the like. What else do we need for this module. Let me know. I'm leaving for Miami early, early Saturday morning.


  1. Right now from what I understand it is supposed to be pretty basic. I didnt want to add too much more because when you and Amanda do the re-vamping of the concept map we can get more into detail. I hope that makes sense. I do like the idea of adding in the tools to measure the weather but I think that can be added in a re-vamp with the concept map that is due in April or May. As far as who wants to do the one that is due in May and the one in April that is between you and Amanda. One will do the one that is due in April and one will do the one due in May. I think we should keep it pretty basic right now so you guys can add more when you do your inspiration concept map.

  2. Oh you will just have to post a reflection of the things we did this week to the reflection part in this module. Pretty much I thin k that is it for thiis module.
